Well ha cha cha if it isn’t my favorite Mickey Mouse character! I forgot about Mortimer for a while but he is now a meme! Morts pose is a tiny bit odd…but it suits him well. 9/10
Well ha cha cha if it isn’t my favorite Mickey Mouse character! I forgot about Mortimer for a while but he is now a meme! Morts pose is a tiny bit odd…but it suits him well. 9/10
This is spectacular not fish mommy spectacular but spectacular nonetheless. The poses are exquisite and you did a great job shading the muscles certainly not something I can say I see often. 10/10 No angel tho ):
I have been alerted! I don’t really have anything to say. But I am sorry to hear you are under art block. I hope you can get some inspiration soon.
I hope so, I don't want to be on hiatus again...
The blending of cartoon and irl here is fantastic! Definitely a favorite of mine. 10/10
I don’t keep up with this sort of stuff but it’s nice that it exists! I don’t have much to say other than that the dark robe could have been done better but it’s most likely a style choice. 9/10
Making an attempt to swoon me? Eh you look great but I have higher standards like Angel for example. Anyways art reviewing wise this looks good. She could’ve used some fur (hair does not count) and the feather scarf needed more texture it look like a smooth pillow not made of feathers. Overall a 7/10 definitely could have been so much better but sooo much worse.
Buff splash woman was not a sight I expected to see…I like it! It fits her perfectly and makes me think mommy…sorry! 10/10 please don’t hurt me!
Honestly I feel bad. I don’t think she deserved this. Eh at lest she looks beautiful per the usual. With her face giving off loads of emotion. 10/10 (you can at least sell the coal or use it to heat a fire)
Well damn this looks good! I can actually feel like this is made of water (and sexyness) but that’s besides the point! With a stunning pose I say 10/10 I want more of this!
Yes you are
I am the carpet friend. I will review art that I find worthy of criticism.
Carpet friend
In the carpet (hell)
Joined on 1/1/23