Weed enker not something I expected to see but cool. He gives me early cartoon vibes. 10/10
Nice reminds me of golden eye on the n64. 10/10.
She looks hot for an nes sprite. I like the colors especially and the goose. 10/10
Thank You!!
I like Family guy I bet people are going to crucify me for saying that it’s better than the Simpsons. RPGs are ok but a fighting game would be funnier. 8/10
This was not a good movie people who like it I assume like it ironically. But does this mean this art is bad? No it’s very good. 10/10
Let’s all be honest this is better than the Pokémon we have right now. So creative so fresh it feels exotic. 10/10
Go tank man go! Beat Pico to a pulp! The classic newgrounds desert fits this very well. 10/10
Ugly monke but monke funni so banana/10
I am the carpet friend. I will review art that I find worthy of criticism.
Carpet friend
In the carpet (hell)
Joined on 1/1/23